A retrospective on Mac Miller’s GO:OD AM

On September 18, 2015, Mac Miller released his third studio album titled GO:OD AM. Mac’s first album, K.I.D.S, and other singles and mixtapes from 2010-12, had a very upbeat feel. Mac’s second album shifted his sound to a bit of a darker tone. Both of these tones meet at a crossroads and are explored further on his 2015 release.

The majority of the album has what people would expect from a Mac Miller album, unique production with great bars. However, Mac shifts his sound in a very unique way on a few tracks. In these tracks Mac takes the opportunity to open up to his listeners and talk about his personal experiences and issues with addiction. He even talks about his fear of death and asks questions about the afterlife. Some of the tracks are unsettling to listen to now considering how Mac passed.

For example, in Perfect Circle/God Speed, Mac talks a lot about his issues with drugs and alcohol in the chorus with the lyrics: “I wash my pills down with liquor and fall” and “Yeah, blame the drugs, got me sinning on a weekday”. This track specifically feels unsettling regarding the events surrounding Mac Miller’s death. Later in the track, the lyrics sound almost as though Mac is predicting his own death:“They don’t want me to OD and have to talk to my mother / Telling her they could have done more to help me, and she’ll be crying and saying she’ll do anything to have me back”. These lyrics specifically sent chills down my spine when I read them. It’s scary to hear Mac address his own drug problem three years before he overdosed. It really makes you wonder if he could still be here if he had more help.

Cover art for GO:OD AM. </e

On a more positive note, the main question in the chorus of the song: “Can you draw a perfect circle?”, is a clever and interesting question for Mac to ask. In this track, he talks a lot about his personal mistakes, and it seems as though the is asking himself this question. People often say it is impossible to draw a perfect circle so it is almost as if Mac is asking himself if he is able to do the impossible. Mac opens up to the audience with his own personal issues and asks himself if he can accomplish this impossible task of being perfect. While it might be impossible to draw a perfect circle, it isn’t impossible to try, which is exactly what Mac is inviting his listeners to do.

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